Here are 6 Tips to bear in-mind when you are registering your domain for you website. At the end I have listed some tools to help you research your domain
1. Same domain name as website name
Your domain name should be associated with your website name as that is what people are going to look for in a search.
2. Make it memorable
It should be an easy name to remember, and make sure it matches expectations. Don’t choose if you are not about golf.
3. Make it unique
Make sure it is not going to be easily confused with top brands
4. Not too long, not too short
Your domain name can be 67 characters long, and there is some advantages to having your keywords in your domain. But it needs to be meaningful, easy to type and easy to pass on. Go for the shortest, meaningful domain you can get.
5. Choose the correct domain extension
If you provide a local service in your country then it makes sense to go for a country specific top level domain. So if you provide a service in Ireland then you could go for .ie. Otherwise if you are more international then .com will do the job. But if the .com is taken should you go for a .net .org etc? Many people say .com or none but as long as you promote your domain properly then any other top level domain variation will do.
6. Target your area
If you provide a service locally then include your locality in your domain
You will have to be Creative as most single word domains have been taken
Tools to find your new Domain
Namechk – Check over 30 domains and more than 90 social media account
Business Name Generator – generate business names and check domain availability
Namestation – find available domains based on keywords
DomainTyper – find available domains instantly
LeanDomainSearch – available domains based on your word
Register365 – Register your domain now